Posted: 6/11/24

Fucking yesterday I woke up with a blocked left ear and a bit of discomfort, and on top of that I was running on maybe 3-4 hours of sleep and had to do 3 grocery runs.

I had to take my brother to school as well because his fucking school decided it would be a good idea to put him in morning classes instead of afternoon classes.

I was exhausted when I came home and at like 7pm I decided to get ready for bed and lay there while I listen to youtube / talk to friends

Needless to say I ended up passing out and waking up at 1 because ear pain lmao. I tried to clean it out again and that didn't work. So I tried to go back to sleep which worked till I woke up again at 5 am. ugh.

I did try to go to the ER but there was no fucking parking and I got mad so I went back home. Now I'm sitting calling my bestie and figuring out wtf to do.